Valentines Day
Wow just when you thought it was safe to be content with your singleness BAM! Valentines Day explodes all over the place surrounding you in a nauseating pink red and white colored world of hearts, cards, teddy bears and roses. Everything you see and hear is constant reminder that you are all alone. Surprisingly, I neither resent nor embrace the Valentines spirit this year. I'm pretty much neutral in the emotional department lately. For the sake of saving some time energy and blog space I'll just cut to the chase. A month ago I had someone special in my life but he felt I wasn't special enough to hang onto sooooooo he Dumped Me. Personally, I think his true motives behind the breakup was just a clever plot to avoid having to buy me a ten pound box of chocolates, but my sisters says he isn't capable of planning that far ahead. haha You may be asking yourselves "Is she sitting at her computer boo hooing over her recent loss of companionship?"..... Hell's Mofoing NO!!! Shit happens, you move on, get over it and figure out a better way to fend off the next fool with a penis and a short attention span who tries to, as i like to say "get all up on your awesome."
Wow after i was able to properly process everything he had to say the only response i could come up with in my head was " I Call BULL SHIT!" HaHaHa I still think this but refuse to even waste any more time or energy on even thinking about why. Like i said before shit happens, you move on. My life is chock full of crap already i really didn't need to add to it but oh well i took a gamble. I wish i knew what the hell i was betting on before i put my chips down. haha Ohhhhhhh Crazy Cakes ( that's what i dubbed him in my mind lol cute right?) what a great grand epic Friendship we could of had. One day he'll figure it out, unfortunately I'll never get to see his ahha moment of duh. One can only hope that me losing respect for him will somehow karmicly hit him in the subconscious causing him to think before he does the same thing to someone else. I'm sending those vibes out now.................don't be a prick....................don't think with your penis................ ............ ...........................When you start something finish it...................................Don't assume you know everything about a person..................................................learn how to see the difference between being attached and just enjoying someones someone when they ask you tooooo ! hahahaha.............................My point has been made :)
I must go prepare for my night of friends and folly. My Valentines Day shall be spent with a group of people who truly do love and respect me. They are my security blanket when life gets me down. They are my shoulder to cry on when i can't hold the tears in anymore. They are my punching bag when my anger is threatening to overwhelm me and they are everything i need in this world. I love them all and don't have to get naked with them to show it hahaha Happy Valentines Day :) Hope you spend it with someone you really love or care about and don't forget the chocolate! It is a Must :)
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